Annual International Scientific and Technical Conference: Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects (NRNSI)

Brings together scientists and researchers from engineering, environmental, biological, social, economic, political and other scopes, whose developments make space truly available


Astroengineering Technologies

Unitsky String Technologies

Scientific partner

Belarusian State University of Transport

Hospitality partner


Conference focus

Exchange of scientific and practical knowledge and experience, synthesis of the scientific and research results, scientific and practical work necessary for the effective implementation of Humanity space vector of the development by non-rocket near space industrialization

Conference aims

  • Study, synthesis, popularization of best practice in the global environmental outlook formation, mindset and consciousness in modern generation
  • Promotion of the idea of wildlife conservation and rational use of natural resources as surety of environmental stability on the Earth.
  • Modern global biospheric problems solution by geocosmic means
  • Search for solutions of a biological and ecological nature to ensure the Earth\’s biosphere sustainable functioning and the conservation of biodiversity on the Earth
  • Assistance in addressing the challenges of the global environmental program “EcoSpace”
  • Search for humanity way out from the global crisis; study of new approaches to social organization and decentralizing technologies of human life
  • Support for specialists, scientists, researchers involved in developments on non-rocket space exploitation; scientific audience expansion
  • Space creation for controversial issues and problems discussion, as well as for the joint areas of research on non-rocket space exploitation search
  • Practical achievements of the conference participants demonstration in the form of presentations, booths, 3D models, video projections.
  • Networking for cooperation

Main conference sections

  • Social design and main trends of human civilization development on the Earth and in space

    Prospects of humanity way out from the global crisis; future designing, social transformation, new approaches to social organization, genesis and organization of communities, technologies for life decentralizing, including: eco-houses, autonomous energy, autonomous agriculture in different latitudes, biotechnologies, computer protection of communities, future transport means. Risks of artificial intelligence, biotechnologies and other technogenic civilization aspects. Geocosmic civilization: formation principles

  • Geocosmic and Geotechnical Sciences, Technologies, Materials, and Resources

    Space industry and infrastructure. Objects and structures in near-Earth equatorial orbit, on celestial bodies and in outer space. Scientific research, astroengineering technologies, resources and materials for the Earth and space industries. Managing the life cycle of an extraterrestrial product.

    Geocosmic and extraterrestrial logistics and supply chains. Earth infrastructure to service the extraterrestrial industry. Transport, energy and informational geocosmic non-rocket engineering. Geocosmic string technologies. Geocosmic and space non-rocket transport. General planetary vehicle. Otherwise

  • Energy and Informational Geocosmic Sciences, Technologies, Materials, and Resources

    Geocosmic and extraterrestrial power generation, storage and use of energy and information. Energy and power supply. Electric motor, magnetic levitation systems and magnetic materials that provide space speed of motion. Mechanization and automation of geocosmic technologies. Geocosmic electronics, electrical engineering, control and communications. Cybernetics, artificial intelligence and information systems, including those based on blockchain. Otherwise

  • Ecological and Biological Aspects of Enclosed Biosphere-Type Ecosystems on Earth and in Space

    Enclosed and sealed biological systems in outer space and on a celestial body including the Earth. Solving of global environmental problems on Earth and in near-Earth space. Features of enclosed biosphere-type ecosystems: biodiversity; biotechnologies; soil, water and air systems; flora and fauna; microbiology; heredity and genetic aspects; health and medical aspects; life support systems; environmental impact. Ecology of near-Earth space, celestial bodies and outer space in general explored by extraterrestrial industry. Otherwise

  • Socio-legal, political and financial aspects of the implementation of the non-rocket space exploitation program uSpace

    Social, moral and psychological aspects of human life and society in closed terrestrial and extraterrestrial ecosystems. Modeling, planning and calculations of non-rocket space exploitation uSpace. Organization of transnational and civilizational corporations of geocosmic and extraterrestrial orientation. Features of global geocosmic and extraterrestrial projects: socio-political, economic and legal aspects; innovative and investment strategies; interaction of man, automatic systems and artificial intelligence. Space man, space society, space civilization: aspects of the political and economic systems formation. Otherwise

Participants’ feedbacks

His Excellency Hussein Al Mahmoudi
Director General of the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (United Arab Emirates)

Through a conference that you participate today we hope that companies like yours — innovators, scientists and students — to work hand to hand to develop solutions that will preserve our ecology and our Earth from pollution and from activities that will damage our own world. This summit today is a big opportunity to share this practice among you and learn from each other on how would be the best approach in this specific and important questions — how do we protect our environment and the world

Sergey Korotkov
The Director of the UNIDO Centre for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation

UNIDO actively supports projects and programs aimed at implementing the Sustainable Development Goals proclaimed by the UN General Assembly. 17 Sustainable Development Goals were designed to become a factor of integration of economic, social and environmental aspects necessary for the full implementation of sustainable development for the benefit of future generations. The issues of industrial space exploration and the implementation of projects within the framework of the international program “EcoSpace” can become an important part of the concept of sustainable development with practically applicable results at the international level

Yuri Pleskachevsky
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Every year we are step by step reaching the situation where we can say that based on the engineering point of view along with the current state of the economy, material resources, our knowledge of materials, energy, and the interaction of magnetic fields, the project becomes feasible. Next, a fundamental question arises concerning the support of the leadership of countries that determine progress around the world

Sergey Avdeev
Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, Chief Specialist of the department “Planning and implementation of scientific and technical activities of MCC TSNIIMASHH”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

I am very happy to attend the Conference and I believe that many of the promising technologies discussed at the event will become a reality in the near future. I wish you great success!

Angelina Poteryaiko
Deputy Director of the N.I. Veduta Strategic Planning Scientific School, Secretary of the Section “Artificial Intelligence in Economics” at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, journalist, public figure

When we talk about space, we normally think about rocket exploration, but the realization that there are other technologies that are different from those we are used to, that use different materials and approaches, save energy and resources of the Earth, are progressive and provide a high—quality and healthy life — it is exciting and inspiring

Andrey Korobka
Assistant Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the V.I. Vernadsky, Crimean Federal University

This is the third conference I am attending, and I cannot but note the high level of organization and presentations. I was impressed by the main report — it covers all aspects of life in detail. I am particularly interested in the production of biohumus — as a landowner, I see the prospects of this technology

Alexey Voitenok
Director of the Coordination Center of Local Communities, Director of the Foundation for the Promotion of the Russian Language and Education in Russian, Scientific Secretary of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Department for Federal Structure, Local Communities and Self-Government, Candidate of Political Sciences

The conference is a very bright and interesting event, close to our areas of activities: in Russia we are engaged in the technological development of territories, municipalities, local communities, digital transformation and are in search of new breakthrough technologies that could be implemented in Russia and Eurasian countries, along with developing in the Union State. The technologies presented at the event, primarily transport and infrastructure complexes, can be applied in Siberia, the Far East, and along the Northern Sea Route, where conventional transport is extremely difficult to apply. In addition, we are very interested in the technologies of Linear Cities — autonomous settlements with the use of biotechnologies. All this has great potential and prospects for further application

Vladimir Lepsky
Chief Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Organizing Committee of the Federal People’s Council, Doctor of Psychological Sciences

An amazing leader and amazing people who do particular things, and try to think not only about the good of their country, but also of humanity as a whole, which in itself is quite rare. The technologies developed here and demonstrated at the Conference are very important for Humankind and for our countries, for the Union State

Rena Temirgaleeva
Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Doctor of Economics

The event was organized at a high level. Each section presented aroused great interest. Maybe it is worth adding a few more round tables to the program to provide an opportunity to exchange views on problematic issues, since the “report-questions-answers” format does not allow for scientific (scientific and practical) discussion

Maria Novitskaya
Senior Lecturer at Belarusian State University

I am very glad that I was able to attend this conference in person.
First of all, it was very interesting to hear about the industrialization of space, string technologies, and the EcoСosmoHouse. The reports were informative and quite clear, the only comment on my part as a participant of the conference is that I would still like to see a presentation in each report (it is much easier to understand a report this way) and observe the time limit.

I really hope that the proposed ideas of space exploration will be implemented. Scientists are the future!
I also really liked the conference proceedings from the last year, there are many people at the Chemistry Department of the Belarusian State University who would like to review them.
I will recommend the conference to my colleagues in the related fields.
The organization was at the highest level

Vitaly Eliseenko
Director of Monobuild Co.

“I would like to express my deep gratitude for the opportunity to participate in this conference.
What I saw on it was extremely informative and interesting, allowing me to get out of everyday life for a while and plunge into the world of the latest, advanced technologies and space realities.”

Lembit Opik
The Chairman of the Parliament of the Space State of Asgardia (Great Britain)

Whether you believe that human being so damaging a climate or not, it`s clear that if we want to exist as a species and thrive as a species for centuries or millennium to come, we have to rich out into Space and Space exploration will help us to sustaining precious resources of our home planet Earth at the same time as reducing the global pressure that humanity inevitably purse on the ecology not least because with increasing technology we always seem to have a bigger demand for energy. Non-rocket near Space industrialization isn`t just a nice thing to do. It`s a necessary and essential ingredient in how we move forward as a species and indeed as life form on this planet

Marina Minina
Vice-President of the Arctic Public Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Arctic Council of the Eurasian Peoples\’ Assembly, Associate Professor of the North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Candidate of Technical Sciences

I am very impressed by Anatoli Unitsky’s report and the scale of the tasks that he sets for himself as an engineer along with his team — people who also generate new ideas and implement them — this is a fantasy that is becoming a reality before our eyes.

Of great interest are the ideas and directions that can be applied and implemented in the Arctic space, namely transport and infrastructure complexes, since transport and logistics components are the basis of the entire economy

Igor Babichev
Co-Chairman Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the Federal People’s Council, Chief of Staff of the Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences on Federal Structure, Local Self-Government and Local Communities, Doctor of Law, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Space can be, should be and is the goal of any sustainable, harmoniously developing state — this is our ontological aim — and the fact that Anatoli Unitsky and his team are developing this approach is very valuable and important for us. The same approach — the harmonious integrativity of the cosmos as an ontological aim of social systems, including the largest ones, is being developed by the Federal People’s Council, which I represent.

The principle of “Earth is for Life. Space is for Industry” is an interesting approach, and it is very important that we set this goal today. I see many points of contact here between us and Unitsky Group of Companies

Elena Lukyanova
Associate Professor of the Department of Vitebsk Technological University

Such events as the Conference on the Non-Rocket Space Industrialization are extremely important for the convergence of the positions of participants, methodical and methodological exchange, the formation of socially demanded tasks for theoretical developments that pose questions to scientific thought that advance us along the path of breakthrough socio-economic and environmental development

Arsen Babayan
Consultant of Astroengineering Technologies LLC

I am impressed by the level of the reports at this Conference and what makes me very happy is that the interest in the issues raised at the Conference grows from year to year, while the geography of participants is expanding. I believe that we are actively moving forward with big steps

Gennady Cherepov
Representative of the Arctic Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Co-Chairman of the Arctic Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly

I see many areas that are relevant for studying, testing and implementation in the Arctic regions: string technologies, eco houses, biohumus. I hope for strengthening cooperation and further engagement

Yulia Lonina
System analyst, founder and author of the resource “Our Future”

I thank Anatoli Unitsky for the opportunity to take part in the very important, progress-bearing Conference. Although my report was aimed at more applied, mundane things related to the autonomy of households, it was also a request for new technologies. Technologies that raise humanity to a new higher level can and should be applicable on Earth. There is an understanding that we are about to enter a completely fantastic world that integrates the achievements of the past decades, as well as the latest discoveries and innovations. People are waiting for the results of the STD, waiting with hope and gratitude to inventors and enthusiasts

Igor Shnurenko
Creator of the YouTube channel “Anti-Turing” and the telegram channel “Land of the Free”, writer and journalist

Despite the fact that the Conference was held in a rather difficult international environment, the organizers managed to ensure a very high level of the event; the discussion was very lively. Separately, I want to mention the sections devoted to social forecasting — they interested me the most — about how to create conditions and implement Anatoli Unitsky’s ideas into society

Mikhail Tsyrlin
Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, Belarusian State University of Transport

Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend such a wonderful conference. I really liked this conference very much. I couldn’t even imagine it. Arrangement of the conference and the reports are at a high level. It was something new for me. Although I attended the first conference in 1988. We have made a significant progress in solving scientific issues. I will try to highlight the problem of space transport development in the scientific publications. I hope for the future invitations

Ignat Martynenko
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Belarusian National Technical University

The exploration of outer space and near-Earth space has long stirred the minds of people. The problem of the Earth’s overpopulation, depletion of resources, and, as a result, disappearance of many species of the Earth’s inhabitants (including, possibly, humans) is an urgent problem of our time.

In this regard, the issues raised at the conference are urgent and important at the current stage of human development!

At the conference, a separate block of engineering focus was emphasized, that makes it (the conference) very attractive for various specialists in this field.
I would like to express my deep gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the conference

Katerina Shakhno
Research Chemist

I would like to leave my feedback on the conference as a participant.
I express my great gratitude to the organizers of the conference for the work done. Everything was very accurate, well-coordinated, it is clear that the professionals worked in their field.

In my opinion, the format of the panel discussion was very successful.
I hope to participate again next year

Conference History

April 26-28, 1988 — Belarus, Gomel — The World’s First Conference on Non-Rocket Space Industrialization. The project of the General Planetary Vehicle (GPV) proposed by A. Unitsky was in the center of attention. The number of participants was 500 people.

June 21, 2019 — Belarus, Maryina Gorka — II International Scientific and Technical Conference “Non-Rocket Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects”. The focus was on the prospects for industrial space exploration within the framework of the uSpace program, solution of global problems of our time by space means, principles of creation, theory, and calculation of the project on the non-rocket geocosmic vehicle — the GPV, specifics of arranging large-scale cargo and passenger traffic along the Earth — Orbit — Earth route, search and development of solutions to current problems of biological, environmental, and engineering nature when creating settlements in space.

It was attended by inventors, representatives of academic and scientific communities, public organizations from Belarus and foreign countries, including UK, Germany, Peru, India, United Arab Emirates, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Slovakia, and Estonia. The number of participants was 150 people.

September 12, 2020 — Belarus, Maryina Gorka — III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects”. The focus was on the solution of global problems of our time (including environmental ones) with geocosmic means, principles of creation, designing, theory, and calculation of the transport and infrastructure geocosmic complex, specifics in designing space settlements, as well as the prospects for engineering and technological space exploration within the framework of the EcoSpace program.

A great interest in the event was manifested by scientists, researchers, and inventors from BSU, BSTU, BelGUT, NAS (Belarus), Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Tomsk Polytechnic University, RUDN Academy of Engineering, Institute of Earth Sciences of St. Petersburg State University, Kazan Federal University (Russia), Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, National Zaporozhye Polytechnic University (Ukraine), Institute of Space Research and Technology (Bulgaria), Jagiellonian University (Poland), MTRIZ Academy (Germany), XAMK (Finland), RMIT University (Vietnam), American University of Sharjah Enterprises (UAE), UN Commission (USA), and also from Estonia, Italy, India, and Great Britain. Both face-to-face participation and online format were provided. The number of participants was 250 people.

On September, 18, 2021 — Belarus, Maryina Gorka — IV international scientific and technical conference “Non-rocket near space industrialization: problems, ideas, projects”. The conference offered developments to reduce the environmental burden on the environment by:

  • removal of the harmful part of the Earth\’s industry into near space with the help of a planetary vehicle
  • alternative construction to modern cosmopolitans: ecovillages of a new type — linear cities that will provide their residents with everything they need: organic food, green energy, clean air, decent and well-paid work, health-improving recreation and moral entertainment
  • organization of environmentally friendly and highly efficient transport and energy-information “second level” communications
  • new technologies introduction for the creation of closed ecosystems in order to develop hard-to-reach territories with unfavorable conditions for human life
  • usage of innovative energy technologies, production wastes of which will be fertile biohumus and other organic components of the Earth\’s biosphere

Great interest for the event, despite the coronavirus pandemic, was shown by representatives of academic and scientific circles, public and commercial organizations from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Estonia, Slovakia, Romania, USA, Canada, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Congo, China. Most of them took part in an online format. 3,000 people joined the broadcast of the event, 150 attended in person.

September 23, 2022 — Belarus, Maryina Gorka — Anniversary V International Scientific and Technical Conference “Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects.”.

The focus of the conference participants is the prospect of industrial space exploration by uSpace program, the implementation of which faces the following tasks:

  • study of best practices in the formation of a global environmental outlook, thinking and consciousness among the modern generation
  • conservation of wildlife and rational use of natural resources as a guarantor of environmental stability on planet Earth
  • solution of global biospheric problems of our time by geocosmic means
  • social, biological, ecological and engineering aspects of human development in the creation of settlements in space
  • development and use of environmentally friendly and efficient technologies

An important topic of the anniversary conference was the social aspect of the development of civilization, the main idea of which was the message of revising the attitude of Mankind to the Earth\’s biosphere resources, engineering technologies, agriculture, transport, energy, and most importantly, to society and the human personality.

Among the guests of honor of the conference there was a pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, one of the space record holders — Sergey Vasilyevich Avdeev.

In total, 15 reports were presented at the conference, 4 discussions and 4 poster presentations were held. Among the speakers of the anniversary conference there were 7 candidates and 3 doctors of sciences.

On September 13 and 14, 2024, the largest industrial space exploration event, GCNSI, took place at Aquarelle Ecopark in Maryina Gorka.

This year, the Conference was held for the first time under the name “Global Conference on the Industrialization of Near Space” and became a landmark international event in the field of large-scale industrial space exploration. This is not just a conference, it is a platform for bringing together experts, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs and representatives of government agencies who exchanged experiences and visions that contribute to the development of the space industry.

In total, 37 reports were presented at the conference, 3 panel discussions and 4 poster presentations were held. The conference was broadcast in 3 languages: Russian, English and Vietnamese. More than 2,000 participants from 20 countries took part.

This year, the conference gained special significance by hosting reputable representatives from organizations: the BRICS PLUS Business Communications Support Fund, the UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation, the Arctic Academy of Sciences, the Skolkovo Foundation, Group of Companies “Roscosmos”. In addition, the event was attended by representatives of India for the first time. The Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India addressed the welcoming speech. Their participation in the conference is a strong signal that our conference is dedicated to innovations, technologies and the development of not only the space industry, but also global problems of Mankind!

Within the framework of the conference, fruitful work took place in 4 sections, each of which was devoted to separate aspects of the industrialization of near space:

  • Geocosmic and geotechnical sciences, technologies, materials and resources
  • Energy and information geocosmic sciences, technologies, materials and resources
  • Ecological and biological aspects of closed biosphere-type ecosystems on Earth and in space
  • Social, legal, political and financial aspects of the development of human civilization on Earth and in space

Anatoly Yunitsky presented the new edition of the “EcoSpace” program at the conference

uSpace: “Earth is for life, space is for industry!”