Linear city

Linear City uCity is a cluster pedestrian urban settlement with its ground surface intended for people, animals and greenery; the development of residential, administrative and industrial clusters is implemented through the eco-oriented technology EcoHouse; electricity and heat are supplied by the uEnergy technology; food supply is linked to the technology of organic farming uGreen. Transport, energy and communications are arranged above ground on the second level (elevated version) according to the uST technology. Passangers’ transportation and cargo delivery inside the city function with the help of transport and infrastructural network uNet.

Linear city is the basis for the Equatorial Linear City.

  • Features of Linear city

    • Each infrastructure cluster is a transport hub that gives a significant impetus to the development of the local economy, allowing such settlements to become financial, industrial, trade, and logistics centers.
    • The surface of the ground is intended for pedestrians and green plants, while transport, energy and information communications are located above the ground at a height of three or more meters.
    • It is possible to quickly move between cities connected by high-speed transport lines.
    • Residential clusters are covered with gardens, while house roofs and balconies are greened.
    • Horizontal elevators of the uNet system connect neighboring high-rise buildings, settlements, as well as residential, retail, entertainment, sports clusters and allow to comfortably move between them in a matter of minutes.
    • Residential and industrial areas are divided into different clusters, thus providing additional comfort and environmental friendliness of living.
    • Hub cities of the Linear city system can be built not only as part of linear scheme. There is an opportunity to combine intersecting Linear cities into a single tessellate megalopolis, thus helping to ensure their efficient transport accessibility, as well as to use large areas with low population density in the economy.
    • Tower-stations located on the sea shelf (on a pile foundation) have an overwater island-platform in the form of a park zone, built on a layer of fertile soil.
    • Houses use environmentally friendly energy sources.
    • Through the creation and operation of the uNet transport network, the lands previously occupied by roads are returned to agricultural use.
  • Benefits of Linear city

    • Elimination of traffic jams in the city
    • Reduction the costs of building roads
    • Reduction of harmful emissions into the urban atmosphere
    • Environmental remediation in the city
    • Construction of affordable housing
    • Additional contribution to the growth of the country’s economy
    • Development of new economy sectors
    • Increasing the number of jobs
    • Creating a safe environment without road traffic accidents

Linear city is a specialized settlement of a new generation, where each cluster is a communication hub of global transport and infrastructural network uNet.

Moreover, Linear city constructed along the starting overpass of the GPV will increase the prestige, as well as investment and tourist attractiveness of this territory.

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