
Space industrialization means the creation of a new diversified economy with tens of thousands of space enterprises offering products and services to final customers on Earth and to related industries in space. Therefore, a cargo-and-passenger flow between the consumer, humanity on Earth, and production located in near space is inevitable.

About 20 years ago the volume of land transportation exceeded 100 billion tons of cargo per year, and the scale of geocosmic transportation will not go down after transposing industries into space. The future analysis of space industrialization issues should be based on the size of geocosmic cargo flows, which is up to millions and billions of tons per year.

Launch vehicles will not be able to fulfill the growing needs of a human civilization and the space industry.

  • In this regard, Astroengineering Technologies LLC offers the following solutions:

    • Implement the General Planetary Vehicle (GPV) allowing to move the environmentally dangerous part of Earth’s industry into near space through the creation and operation of the Industrial Space Necklace “Orbit” (ISN “Orbit”), that will also provide up to 10 million tons of cargo and up to 10 million passengers to be transported per flight, and the number of such flights can reach 100 times per year.
    • Supply the ISN “Orbit” with high-speed communications providing transportation of goods, passengers, energy, and information in space on a high quality level.
    • Organize a take-off and landing overpass along the equator that is combined with the uNet transport and infrastructural network, in order to ensure high-quality cargo traffic to and from the GPV launch /landing site on the planet Earth.

Geocosmic transport

General Planetary Vehicle is not only the most efficient, but also the only possible geocosmic transport suitable for global exploration of near-Earth orbit that offers opportunities for human advancing into deep space.

  • Features

    • The GPV is a self-supporting multiuse vehicle operating within the Earth-orbit-Earth route.
    • It encircles the planet in the equatorial plane.
    • Cargo and passengers are placed in special modules attached to the GPV body, which are distributed along its length with the help of high-speed and hypervelocity transport of the uNet land network.
    • Take-off is carried out from the equatorial overpass, which also serves as a landing platform.
    • The GPV is driven by the centrifugal force that results from the acceleration of two belt flywheels of a linear electric motor located in its core.
    • Engine power doesn’t exceed 100 kW per ton of cargo (just like an electric passenger car).
    • The flywheels’ speed exceeds the first cosmic velocity, thereby creating an excess lifting centrifugal force and exceeding the linear weight of the GPV.
    • The GPV increases in diameter and length and enters low circular orbits while rotating its body around the planet at the first cosmic velocity.
  • Advantages

    • Environmentally friendly transport.
    • The GPV is capable of taking thousands of tons of ballast (water, oxygen, ozone) per flight while being in the mode of additional loading, and that will help to “heal” ozone holes.
    • Doesn’t require electrical energy to go into space.
    • Once flywheels are accelerated, they are able to rotate inside vacuum channels for years, since a magnetic cushion on permanent magnets as well as vacuum doesn’t create resistance at cosmic speeds.
    • Low operating costs.
    • After the space industry is created and the main cargo traffic is directed from space to Earth, the GPV will start generating electricity like a giant equatorial power plant.
    • The GPV is capable of transporting about 10 million tons of cargo and 10 million passengers (for construction and maintenance of the space industry) per flight.
    • The GPV will be able to go into space up to 100 times per year.
    • The cost of delivering each ton of payload into orbit will be thousands of times lower compared to modern launch vehicles, and that is less than USD 1000 per ton.
    • The price of a passenger ticket to Earth orbit will be about USD 100.
    • The comfort level while traveling into space will be higher compared to traveling around the Earth.
    • The theoretical efficiency is close to 100 %.

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Space transport at the ISN “Orbit”

The first launch of the GPV will begin the construction of the Industrial Space Necklace “Orbit”. It is a multiorbital transport, infrastructure, and industrial-residential complex that covers the planet in the equatorial plane in low circular orbits.

As the ISN “Orbit” will connect a huge number of space factories, technological platforms, power plants, and residential modules, a high-speed transport will run on its ring while delivering goods and passengers around the ISN.

  • Features

    • Moves on the basis of a prestressed string track structure.
    • Moves into natural vacuum — inside a tubular protective sheath.
    • Uses electricity.
    • Speeds up to 1000 km/h.
  • Advantages

    • Promptly distributes passengers and cargo along the entire ring structure.
    • Increases driving comfort when orbiting.

Узнать подробнее о космическом индустриально-жилом комплексе

Ground transport

Before the GPV makes its first flight and the construction of the ISN “Orbit” begins, it is necessary to build the take-off and landing overpass along the Earth’s equator, combined with the uNet transport and infrastructure network.

uNet is an international network of transport, energetic and informational communications, created on uST (Unitsky String Technologies) transport and infrastructure base throughout linear cities uCity.

  1. 1.High-speed track (at the second level, the speed of electric rail cars (unimobiles) is up to 600 km/h).
  2. 2.City highway (at the second level, unimobiles speed is up to 150 km/h).
  3. 3.Hypervelocity track in the fore-vacuum channel (placed above the ground, under water or underground and allows to speed up to 1500 km/h)
  4. 4.Power lines integrated into the rail-string overpass
  5. 5.Communication lines integrated into the rail-string overpass.
  • Features

    • Based on ecofriendly oriented technologies.
    • Provides transport running on electricity.
    • The annual economic effect is over USD 100 billion and will be increased further, taking into account the growing demand for space products and increasing the level of logistics system efficiency.
    • Allows both passengers and cargo transportation.
    • Provides optimal performance.
    • Has low construction costs.
    • Moves at high speed with minimum energy.
    • Unimobiles move above the ground.
  • Advantages

    • Widely uses renewable energy sources.
    • Level of emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere is minimum.
    • Preserves natural ecosystems.
    • Restores the lands previously occupied by roads to agricultural use.
    • Implementation of information and energy transfer functions.
    • No traffic jams.
    • Provides fast, safe, and most comfortable transportation of passengers and goods at any distance.
    • Next generation mobility
    • Promotes the development of pedestrian Linear cities, i.e. the development of an environmentally friendly and innovative urban lifestyle.

Astroengineering Technologies LLC’s specialists develop innovative, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly means of transport that also combine the latest technological trends in the transport market.

Such technological direction is able to create a separate segment of cargo and passenger transportation, that will merge harmoniously into people’s daily lives in the near future. At the same time, the transport developed by Astroengineering Technologies LLC is an important part of the implementation of the uSpace integrated program for the non-rocket near space industrialization.