Eco-friendly construction

Specialists of Astroengineering Technologies LLC have developed a comprehensive solution to environmental problems that is non-rocket space industrialization. The main goals are to save the Earth’s biosphere by restoring the conditions created by nature for a healthy life and preserving the growth of technocratic civilization without harming all life on the planet. With the introduction of these technologies, a new approach to the organization of life both on Earth and in space will be formed.

On planet Earth there will be:
  • Linear cities built in harmony with nature, which will be based on EcoHouses and environmentally friendly UST transport.
  • Options of EcoCosmoHouses with enclosed autonomous ecosystems that have been designed and tried, so proven solutions after being successfully tested on the planet can be used to organize the life of people working in space.

While the natural habitat on Earth will be restored, the reconstruction of natural ecosystems is considered for most comfortable working and living environment in space, including asteroids and other planets. At the same time, the planet Earth will always remain a main place of human life.

The systematic approach and consistent actions will bear fruit, so space will indeed be able to become an area of constant human activities, and the Earth’s biosphere will be able to recover.

On Earth

Equatorial Linear City

The Equatorial Linear City is an earth component of the geocosmic transport communication system where the General Planetary Vechicle launch overpass (uWay) is positioned together with infrastructure necessary to perform the GPV flights and maintain global geocosmic cargo and passengers’ transportations. Such cities are the cluster settlements harmoniously fit in natural environment of the planet land and ocean areas which are interconnected with each other by UST routes and located on a strip along the equator.

When a linear cluster-type city is built along the GPV launch overpass, the population of equatorial countries will move to the created ecologically clean zone, that will increase safety and quality of life along with saving resources. The investment and tourist attractiveness of this territory will increase as well.


EcoHouse technological platform is ecologically oriented construction of Earth-based accommodation and industrial buildings with surrounding grounds open for external natural (biospheric) environment and filled with natural and cultural (organic farming) ecosystems where atmospheric, soil, and water parameters are self-regulated.

The soil from under the buildings is transferred to their roofs and floors and then it is enriched with live humus. This landscaping is performed under the principle of “Any building on the planet should increase areas of fertile soil and boost its productivity”.

Научные статьи об устройстве линейных городов и жизни в них можно прочитать в каталоге

EcoCosmoHouse on planet Earth (ECH-Earth)

The ECH-Earth is an earth construction intended for autonomous and timely unlimited being of the human colony of calculated number of inhabitants that provides conditions for ecosystems’ development inside thereof and a range of required biospheric features, as well as being used to simulate additional technological processes to meet the human vital needs (parameters of atmosphere and environment, food resources, etc.). The ECH-Earth is a terrestrial biospheric model of the cosmic ECH regarding arrangement of inner space and all the relevant components (biosphere, technology, processes’ correlation, etc.) together with enclosed circulation of the substance (living and mineral matters), energy, and information.

The ECH-Earth is a terrestrial biosphere model of the space ECH in terms of creation and organization of internal space and all relevant components (such as biosphere, technologies, interconnections of processes, etc.) with a closed cycle of matter (living and mineral), energy, and information.

Living environment characteristics of the ECH-Earth



20–25 °С, not lower than 15 °С in winter

Fertile soil area for 1 person

Not less than 100 m²

Gardening area for 1 person

Not less than 100 m²

Water surface area for 1 person

Not less than 50 m²

Soil: top layer
(humus content is about 10 %)

Thickness is about 0.5 m
Type: black soil

Soil: middle layer
(humus content is about 2 %)

The soil is about 1 m thick and enriched with humus obtained from brown coal.

Depth of lakes

Up to 6 m

Meeting the average person’s annual oxygen demand

250 kg

Psychological and social comfort

The project includes areas for physical activity and recreation.


In the ECH-Earth the use of chemicals that harm the ecosystem and living organisms is not allowed. Only natural biological methods of combating diseases of animals and plants are provided.

The ECH-Earth technologies are relevant in places where the natural external environment of the planet is distinguished by environmental pollution or harsh natural and climatic conditions (for example, in Antarctica or deserts), when there is need for staying in underwater or underground spaces, as well as for solving research problems those related to support of human in space.

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In outer space

The industry created in space for the benefit of humankind should also be serviced by people despite automation and robotization, albeit in a limited number compared to those required by technologies on Earth. Therefore, it will be necessary to create the EcoCosmoHouses in orbit.

EcoCosmoHouse technological platform (ECH) is a construction of space facilities with inner habitable area isolated from external aggressive space environment. There is an enclosed ecosystem of earth type inside the ECH that includes artificially generated gravity, live fertile soil, flora and fauna (including microflora and microfauna), and atmosphere with controlled parameters (temperature, humidity, etc.) for autonomous eco comfortable accommodation and working of individuals and groups of specialists, as well as thousands of settlements on equatorial orbits of the planet and in near and deep space during unlimited period of time.

Thus, a person will be able to live in space in familiar and healthy environment, which, in turn, will have a positive effect on their work and result in the effective development of space industry in general.

On asteroids and other planets

Technologies are developing so rapidly nowadays that the once seemingly unfavorable environment of the solar system’s celestial bodies is considered a quite suitable site today, especially if it’s not about its settlement, but about its use for industrialization.

First of all, it is important to consider space objects being actively studied, such as the Earth’s satellite Moon, the planet Mars, and asteroids. Each of them has a number of features and, most importantly, advantages for earthlings.

Environmental characteristics
Criteria Moon Mars Asteroids
Short description

The moon is the cosmic body closest to Earth.

The only natural satellite of the Earth.

The object in the solar system that is second in brightness only to Sun.

The only space object humans have set foot on.


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the last of the terrestrial planets.


There are 3 known groups of asteroids – Apollo, Aten and Atira asteroids, which are closer to Earth than to Mars in most of their orbit.

Apollo asteroids:
their orbits cross the Earth’s orbit from the outside (they mostly move between the orbits of the Earth and Mars). More than 5000 asteroids of this type are known.

Aton asteroids:
their orbits cross the Earth’s orbit from the inside (they mostly move between the orbits of the Earth and Venus). More than 800 of this type are known.

Atira asteroids:
their orbits are completely inside the orbit of the Earth (they move between the orbits of the Earth and Venus all the time). About 20 asteroids of such type are known.


1,62 m/s²

17 % of the Earth’s gravity.


3,711 m/s²

38 % of the Earth’s gravity.


Less than 1 % of the Earth’s gravity.

Unlike planets, asteroids do not form a “gravity well”.


Almost no atmosphere: most of the gases (such as nitrogen, helium, argon, neon, ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide) rising from its surface dissipate in space.


95.3 % carbon dioxide, 2.7 % molecular nitrogen, 1.6 % argon, residual traces of oxygen.

The atmospheric pressure is 0.7 % of the pressure at the Earth’s surface.


There’s no or almost no atmosphere on large asteroids.

Radiation level

1369 µSv/day


210 µSv/day


1800–2000 µSv/day

Climatic conditions

The very concept of weather on the moon does not exist.

There is no wind or rain.

There are no seasons.


4 seasons.

Winter high winds cause global dust storms that can sweep the entire planet. Duration is up to several months.

Snow and ice are carbon dioxide, better known as dry ice.

Ice does not disappear even in summer.


No climatic conditions.


The average surface temperature is –53 °С.

Day temperature is up to +128 °С. Night temperature is up to –173 °С.

The lunar rocks temperature at a depth of 1 m is constant at –35 °С.


The average surface temperature is –63 °С.

Rapid temperature change is typical.

In the so-called oases of the Lake Phoenix’s regions (the plateau of the Sun) and the land of Noah, the temperature difference is from –53 °C to + 22 °C in summer and from –103 °C to –43 °C in winter.

The equator temperature differs from + 30 °C at noon to –80 °C at midnight.

Temperatures drops to –143 °С near the poles.

However, at a depth of 25 cm, the temperature changes little during the day and even the year.


Apollo asteroids:
the average surface temperature temperature is –88 °С (from –73 to –103 °С).

Aton asteroids:
the average surface temperature is –2 °C

Atira asteroids:
the average surface temperature is –50 °С.

Availability of water

Water ice.


Water ice.


Hydrated minerals, water ice, ammonia.


The greatest value is helium-3, which is rare on Earth. The element can be used as ecofuel for power plants. Hypothetically, thermonuclear fusion (1 ton of helium-3 and 0.67 ton of deuterium) releases energy equivalent to the combustion of 15 million tons of oil.


Martian soil contains 50 % of small crystals of volcanic rocks (mainly feldspar, olivine, pyroxene). These rocks are widespread on Earth around volcanoes and mountain ranges.

Soil contains 50 % of amorphous matter, which structure and chemical composition have not been studied yet.


Among the total number of asteroids in the solar system, about 75 % of the “water” ones store large reserves of water.

Rock-metal asteroids contain iron, nickel, cobalt, gold, platinum, rhodium, rare earth metals, silicates, ammonia, etc.

The use of asteroids potential will undoubtedly bring benefits and help to reach a higher-quality stage in human development as well as to open up a wide range of opportunities. The construction of the GPV and ISN “Orbit”, that will become a launching pad for deep space exploration, would help to achieve these prospects.

At the same time, it is important to note that the best place for a healthy and fulfilling human life is planet Earth.

Nature has created the most comfortable conditions for human life on Earth. However, human activities resulted in oppression of the biosphere. Now the task is to restore the healthy environment on Earth as much as possible, and this can be realized through the construction of Linear cities on the planet and through the transfer of harmful industry to the ISN “Orbit” with EcoCosmoHouses, located in near space.

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