History of the global way

A global strong idea is behind the creation of Astroengineering Technologies LLC, and that is the implementation of the uSpace geocosmic program.

By accomplishing the goals, humanity and the planet Earth as a whole will receive an additional development vector, which will preserve our world, ensure the sustained evolution for millennia to come and allow future humanity to live in harmony with terrestrial nature.

Подробнее о программе uSpace можно узнать в научных статьях

  • Prerequisites

    • There are currently about a trillion species of living organisms on Earth. The number of those described is 1.75 million (0,000002 %). 70 species die every day, while 26 000 perish annually. Most of them disappear due to anthropogenic factors.
    • Homo Sapiens became Homo Technocraticus a long time ago. And this "technocratic man" cannot already live without industry products.
    • The technosphere began to occupy the same ecological niche as the biosphere does. During the biosynthesis, the biosphere now reproduces about 150 billion tons of dry organic matter per year, which, if converted to fuel, is only slightly higher than the annual energy consumption of all the machines and technologies available to the Earth’s civilization.
    • A territory that is 5 times larger than Great Britain ended up grouted in cement. This soil is dead, with no green oxygen-producing plants growing on it.
    • Cars alone use 2.2 billion tons of fuel annually and burn out 7 billion tons of oxygen from the biosphere – this is the amount produced by a pine forest with an area of 240 million hectares in a year.
  • Solution

    1It is necessary to provide the technosphere with an ecological niche outside the biosphere.

    2We need to take into account that all living organisms are “fitted” specifically to the Earth’s climate. It’s not possible to find the conditions as suitable for earthlings than our planet has nowhere in a vast universe, not even on the Moon and on Mars.

    3The perfect environment for most technological processes is near space at a 300–500 km distance from the Earth’s surface.

    4Thus, we can conclude it is necessary to industrialize near space in order to continue the technological path of development while preserving the biosphere.

  • However

    • In the 60 past years, it has become clear that the rocket exploration of the Earth’s orbit causes enormous harm to the environment and cannot provide the sufficient level of outer space usage required by humankind while being fabulously expensive.
    • Launch vehicles are capable of carrying only a few thousand tons of cargo per year on the Earth – orbit – Earth route, which is tens of thousands of times less than required and provides every person on Earth with less than 1 g per year.
    • Rocket technology has already reached the peak of its technical perfection, while rocket space science has not become widely available for general access.

      Therefore, there is a need to consider other ways of geocosmic logistics in the space industrialization.
  • There is a way out

    The most environmentally friendly and profitable geoсosmic aircraft in operation is General Planetary Vehicle (GPV) proposed to the world community in 1982 by engineer A. Unitsky, which is currently being developed by Astroengineering Technologies LLC.

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History of company’s creation and activities
  • In 1973 engineer and scientist A. Unitsky developed a concept of the General Planetary Vehicle, which is a self-expanding ring designed to go out from Earth into near space due to the internal forces of the system.
  • In 1982 the first articles about the GPV were published on the pages of popular science magazines “Inventor and Rationalizer” and “Technology of Youth”.
  • In 1986 A. Unitsky became a member of the USSR Cosmonautics Federation.
  • In 1987 the author of the GPV project presented a report at a non-governmental meeting of the American and Soviet public, which took place in Moscow and was organized by the Soviet Peace Committee. It resulted in the publication of the “Century XX and Peace” bulletin, where the concept of the GPV project was presented in 5 languages.
  • In 1988 the I scientific and technical conference “Non-rocket space industrialization: problems, ideas, projects” took place where reports with significantly elaborated calculations for the GPV project were presented.
  • In 1988 the second largest Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “Star World” in Belarus was opened in Gomel, and the EcoSpace program was developed as a part of its work.
  • In 1989 the Belarusfilm shot the documentary “Gravity of the stars”, dedicated to the Center for Scientific and Technical Youth Creativity “Star World” and its director A. Unitsky. I. Volk, the pilot-cosmonaut and a Hero of a Soviet Union, also supported work of the Center. In the same year, the director of the Belarusfilm Yuri Khashchevatsky shot the tape “To the sky by wheel”, dedicated to the author of the GPV. The film was shot in 2 languages – Russian, to be shown on the screens of the USSR, and English – for showing abroad.
  • 2001–2018 are the years of developing the overpass for the GPV.
  • On March 21, 2019 Astroengineering Technologies LLC was established.
  • 2019–2023 — 5 international scientific and technical conferences “Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects” were held on the territory of the Aquarelle Ecopark in Maryina Gorka, Republic of Belarus. The conference is organized annually to promote the ideas of the EcoSpace program, aimed at solving global environmental problems of humanity within the framework of a new era of space exploration. The conference is a center for the exchange of scientific and practical knowledge and experience necessary for the implementation of the space vector of human development and the industrial exploration of the Earth’s orbital space by non-rocket means. During these years, the geography of the conference participants expanded to 21 countries.

    The event was attended by representatives of such international organizations as:

    • Research Technology and Innovation Park in Sharjah, UAE
    • UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation
    • Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization (EEC) on real estate in Europe
    • International Center for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI)
    • Scientific and Educational Center Aerospace Technologies of Southern Ural State University
    • Arctic Public Academy of Science
    • Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Roscosmos State Corporation.

    Following the results of each conference, a collection of scientific materials was published. A collection of all scientific works is housed in our electronic library.

Points of view

Igor Vasilievich Bestuzhev-Lada
Soviet and Russian scientist, historian, and sociologist, specialist in the field of social forecasting and global studies.

Quote from the TV show “Sovremennik” held on August 17, 1985 in Minsk.

“UN demographers suggest that growth of the Earth’s population in the 21st century will be gradually reduced until it reaches the stable mark of 13.5 billion people by the year 2150. This is a large number. We should try moving in the direction of the so-called “low energy society” to make our future life better than it is now, as well as to improve the quality of life itself and reduce the amounts of energy we spend. And in this regard, the idea that Anatoli Unitsky proposes in his project seems the most appealing to me, although I have to say it’s very unusual. In fact, this is a revolutionary type of a vehicle”.

Askold Alexandrovich Silin
Head of the Department of the All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements, Doctor of Technical Science, professor

Quote from the TV show “Sovremennik” held on August 17, 1985 in Minsk.

“This is a global project to be considered not only from a technical and economic points of view, but also from a view of the whole humankind, since it requires the unification of all people’s efforts. What shall I say about its implementation? From a physics aspect, this project is correct and doesn’t raise any doubts. This means that one can argue about some purely technical problems, like managing such a huge structure encircling the Earth. Though it seems to us this issue is quite solvable for technology at the beginning of the third millennium while having powerful computers. The problem in the use of the superconductivity effect on such a large scale is completely solvable as well”.

Institute of Mechanics of Metal-Polymer Systems of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR
Review on the GPV project in 1987

“The GPV project is a promising non-rocket space transport integrated program, that reduces the cost of launching a payload into orbit by hundreds of times compared to rocket systems. All the difficulties that may arise, whether technical, scientific, economic, or socio-political, are fundamentally solvable for current level of science and technology of our country and the world community.”

Peter Klimuk
Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the USSR awarded twice, Colonel-General of Aviation of the Russian Air Force, Doctor of Technical Science, professor, Honorary Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Fragment of a welcoming speech at the II conference on non-rocket space exploration in 2019.

“Engineer Unitsky takes into consideration issues of the space industry with all seriousness and at the same time he is very respectful of the environment. Today our planet is ridden with wars and other disasters, that’s why the developments by Anatoli Unitsky are highly valuable, as they serve to unite people and show the way to peace and prosperity. Space is what has always united us.

Because space is humanity, space is us, our children, and everything around us. We understand that at current level of space science development it is not possible to withdraw from rocket launches.

However, right now is the time to lay the groundwork of our common future, and the future belongs to such promising projects as the General Planetary Vehicle. Transport systems developed by Anatoli are essential to every earthling and may be the only way for civilization to survive. The implementation of the GPV project will allow humanity to exist in harmony with nature. While we were only thinking about environmental issues, Anatoli Unitsky has already presented a ready-made solution to the public. He does the things that are beyond imagining. I trust my friend and fellow countryman and believe in his talent, and I’m confident his calculations are correct. I believe in human a, nothing is impossible for a human. It means all is up to us, both our life and the life of our children. And the fate of Earth is also in our hands”.

Yuri Pleskachevsky
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus.

Fragment of a welcoming speech at the II conference on non-rocket space exploration in 2019.

“I see that human interest in space has increased significantly, but I also realize rocket space science lacks effectiveness. That’s why alternative projects, such as Anatoli Unitsky’s SpaceWay, get more and more public attention. For a long time, the SpaceWay program was met with a mixed response by the general public.

However, I want to point out that ideas of such level had never been accepted by society at once. The number of critics was always higher compared to creative people. As the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov noted: “It is not worth much pointing out a mistake, whereas offering a better solution is what befits a decent person”. Unfortunately, we express our own thoughts less and less.

Sometimes, however, the world gives us people like Unitsky, who are able to generate ideas, drive progress, and develop technologies. We are rapidly going down the drain and that startles me even more than the indifference of other people. We have to understand, that further progress is not the responsibility of individual scientists or engineers, but it is hard work, where everything depends on us and our civil society. What is important, today we already have all the technical and technological means to prevent a global disaster from happening. It is enough for the state elites to demonstrate political will as well as for the society to find the strength to hear the voice of reason in order to support the grand projects proposed by Anatoli Unitsky. We still have a chance, and I think we should seize it”.

Hussain Al Mahmoudi
CEO of the American University of Sharjah Enterprise (AUSE)

Fragment of a welcoming speech at the III conference on non-rocket near space exploration in 2020.

“The first time I learned about Dr. Unitsky’s General Planetary Vehicle project was several years ago. This idea immediately impressed me with its futurism and scope. In my opinion, such qualities as the ability to think outside the box and discover new facets of our universe are inherent to real researchers and inventors.

I am sure that the concept of non-rocket space exploration will benefit scientists, businessmen, and students who are focused on fundamental innovations and deep knowledge of the world. I encourage investors, specialists of various fields, and university students to seriously think about all imaginable and unimaginable unique ways to solve pressing problems on Earth.

We are delighted that Sharjah Research Park supported the 2020 conference. We believe that this event is a platform for cooperation of various stakeholders and way to discover new benefits provided by the universe. We believe in global peace. It is important for people from many regions of the world to participate in the discussion and solution of the tasks primary for humankind and to prove themselves in those developments needed by young generation and society in future.

I am convinced modern civilization is capable of creating the GPV. In my opinion, it is always necessary to start with an idea. The great significance of the conference is that people have the opportunity to study the announced project thoroughly and to discuss its further development. It is important to have open innovation. It is also worth attracting a widely specialized audience from private businesses, investment companies and various communities in order to consider the proposed programs thoroughly.

As a human race we have the ability to perceive and promote innovative and creative concepts that seem not entirely realistic today but may be quite feasible with due time. The GPV is just the kind of such project, it originated from an idea and will eventually become a product aimed to save both humanity and the universe”.

Lembit Opik
Chair of the Parliament of Asgardia

Fragment of a welcoming speech at the III conference on non-rocket near space exploration in 2020.

“I support this conference on non-rocket space industrialization because we have to get business into space and develop a sustainable and self-sufficient method to get there. The only way to do this is to step aside from rockets and move towards new technologies that will truly make space financially and logistically affordable on an industrial scale.

...I’ve heard of the GPV before. This idea was first put forward by Dr. Unitsky several decades ago. In theory it has already been possible to be built in the 1980s, but I believe that the technical and scientific bases of that time would have made this task difficult. Now science and innovation seem to be more ready to implement this idea.

We can do it easier and better now simply because we have access to the best materials, manufacturing systems and computing power. That’s why I do not question the GVP project from the matter of possibility, I’m asking about how do we implement this and when do we already start building. Asgardia needs this project because it meets our main need that is to organize the place for a large number of people in space.

Unlike the International Space Station, which is a research facility for rare specialists and will never be available to common people, the GPV can truly make space accessible to humankind at an affordable price. Just as the Boeing 747 made world travels affordable and that was not even imagined back in the 1920s, so the GPV will provide a giant leap forward, which can have an extremely positive effect. Anyone who is serious about the possibility of life in space should take a close look at the GPV.”